Introducing Connect Care

Alberta Health Services (AHS) is building healthcare bridges, through a clinical information system (CIS), to "Connect Care" for patients and families and provide them with better health powered by information.

This short (2 min) video explains why:

Introducing Alberta Health Services

Connect Care is a formative, and transformative, initiative for Alberta Health Services (AHS). It also represents health information systems integration on a scale new to Canada.

This short (3 min) video pairs ambition with capacity:

Connie and Carey - Our Virtual Connect Care Team

Connect Care will change the way we work. A series of short workflow-oriented videos highlight strategies for navigating the change, and leveraging features that can ease the way. Connie and Carey, are our virtual guides, are introduced together with some early insights about transformation challenges.

This short (4 min) video is of broad relevance:

What is Connect Care?

Connect Care is promoted as Alberta Health Service's (AHS) prime transformational initiative. But what is it, really? And how does Connect Care relate to an AHS provincial clinical information system (CIS) and to Epic Systems Corporation?

This short (<5 min) presentation explores the relationship between Connect Care, the CIS and Epic. [Handouts]

Why does Connect Care matter?

The foundation of Connect Care is a clinical information system (CIS) that will transform how we use and access information. Building the CIS is a huge undertaking. Ten build principles - about how CIS design should reflect, not set, our values - emerged from extensive stakeholder consultation. Theses are summarized in a document and explained in the presentation below. [Handout]

Who oversees Connect Care?

For Connect Care to succeed, health care providers and support staff must integrate informational supports into their workflows in a meaningful way. This happens best when clinical information system (CIS) users have meaningful input into decisions and priorities. A Connect Care oversight strategy ensures a well-run initiative, guided by purpose and tempered by pragmatism.

This short (<6 min) presentation provides an overview of Connect Care's oversight strategy. [Handout]

When does Connect Care Happen?

The Connect Care initiative unfolds over a 5 year period. This Vlog summarizes major stages, sequencing and implementation timelines. [Handouts]

How is the system built?

Building the Connect Care clinical information system is our 'main event' now and for months to come. Diverse activities must be coordinated for design and build to progress as needed. The names of these -- Scope-setting, Groundwork, Foundation, Direction-Setting, Clinical System Design, Configuration, Build, etc. -- may be unfamiliar to many. This Vlog likens early Connect Care design and build to stages of building construction. [Handout]

How is Clinical Content Built?

Clinical information system (CIS) clinical content includes documentation, decision and inquiry support tools that are built into the CIS to support best possible practice. Clinical System Design (CSD) is about how we plan, design and build clinical content in the CIS to support patient care. It is one of the major activities taking place during the design phase of the Connect Care initiative. This Vlog explains more about how clinical content arises from solid CSD. [Handout]

How does Clinical System Design happen?

Clinical System Design (CSD) is about how we plan, design and build clinical content in the clinical information system to support patient care. It is one of the major activities taking place during the design phase of the Connect Care initiative. This Vlog explores the elements of CSD processes serving Connect Care. [Handout]

Who does Clinical System Design?

Clinical System Design (CSD) is about how we plan, design and build clinical content in the clinical information system to support patient care. This presentation summarizes how different groups participate in Connect Care CSD processes. [Handout]

How is Connect Care Scope Managed?

Connect Care scope management is about how we identify important  clinical, functional or safety gaps, prioritize gap-mitigation strategies and select systems that fill gaps while working with the clinical information system. [Handout]

How is Connect Care Design Managed?

“Configuration,” “Customization” and “Personalization” relate to the manner, degree and frequency with which a clinical information system (CIS) is modified to address the business needs of specific users or user groups.

CIS design management is about assuring sustainable CIS configuration, selective specialty customization, and safe personalizations. A transparent approach to design management can help specialty groups allocate build resources for maximum impact. [Handout]

Wave 1 Physician Training Orientation

The Connect Care training program for physicians has firmed up. This Vlog gives a quick orientation that can help physicians training for Wave 1 launch know what happens, how and when. [Slides & Handouts]

How are Physicians Trained?

Connect Care user engagement, change management and clinical information system (CIS) adoption all hinge on solid training, then continuing proficiency enhancement. This Vlog gives a quick overview of the Connect Care training approach for physicians and prescribers. [Slides & Handouts]

Learning to Love your CIS - Introduction

This series of streaming presentations captures key parts of a Connect Care Wave 1 Launch Event held at the Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre in Edmonton on January 17, 2019.

This first part covers the speaker list, outline and objectives. 2 minutes.

Learning to Love your CIS - EZ Oversight & Physicians

This series of streaming presentations captures key parts of a Connect Care Wave 1 Launch Event held at the Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre in Edmonton on January 17, 2019.

This part covers Tim Graham's remarks about Connect Care Oversight and Physician Leadership. 8 minutes.

Learning to Love your CIS - Fears and Hopes - 1

This series of streaming presentations captures key parts of a Connect Care Wave 1 Launch Event held at the Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre in Edmonton on January 17, 2019.

This is the first part of Dr. Hayward's remarks. 2 minutes. [Source & Handouts]

Learning to Love your CIS - Fears and Hopes - Video

This series of streaming presentations captures key parts of a Connect Care Wave 1 Launch Event held at the Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre in Edmonton on January 17, 2019.

This part relays a ZDoggMD video rap. 4 minutes. [Source & Handouts]